Please note that January 31, 2025 is the deadline for applications to participate in the entertainment program.
There is no application or audition fee. However, first time applicants must submit a video of your performance. The Festival Office reserves the right to accept or reject applications based on Festival needs. All performances must include a visual component (such as dancing). Accepted applicants will receive a confirmation letter as soon as possible and an entertainment schedule approximately one week prior to the event.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The Festival will provide a sound system with up to four microphones and a 16' x 24' stage. No "stage curtain" or dramatic lighting is available. Political and religious viewpoints are not to be promoted at the festival site by performers, whether through distribution or use of literature, symbols, or performances. Festival management must approve all performances and content prior to the festival. Only Festival management can make adjustments to the entertainment schedule, reserves the right to change your performance schedule if necessary, and stop performances which exceed the assigned time period or have inappropriate content. One of the biggest parts of the festival is the performances that are put on.
Smoking, alcoholic beverages, and disorderly conduct are not permitted on Festival premises.
There is limited #of special parking area for participants. Improperly parked vehicles may be towed without notice at the owner's expense. Please observe 1) directions from festival parking staff, 2) handicapped spaces, and 3) fire lane signs.
Content of displays, songs, dances, or performances must be tasteful and appropriate for all ages. *Open flames, knives, and guns are prohibited.
Please appoint ONLY ONE as the leader/spokesperson of your group for communicating with emcee’s and announcers.
Participants should wear their issued Festival name tags at all times to identify themselves and their roles to visitors. Wristbands serve as admission passes for participants and will be issued at the Performers entrance.